
EGR 7011: Business Basics for Engineers

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2020
Business fundamentals providing working knowledge in key business disciplines: economics, globalization, business ethics, money and banking, securities, investing, accounting, marketing and business etiquette/protocol.

EGR 7012: Management for Engineers

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2021
Application of principles and tools of contemporary management focusing on the process of getting the job done effectively and efficiently: planning, organization, staffing, leadership, control and communication.

EGR 7013: Business Model Feasibility

Credits 3
Analyze the technical and business viability of opportunities; identify and gather resources needed to launch a successful venture whether in a start up or a large established organization; develop practical business models. Lectures will be combined with multiple active learning exercises.

EGR 7014: Innovation & Opportunity

Credits 3
Find and recognize entrepreneurial opportunities; add value to the opportunities, and develop creative solutions that will help move from abstract ideas to practical innovations. Lectures will be combined with multiple active learning exercises.

EGR 7015: Infrastructure Asset Mgmt

Credits 3
Understand how infrastructure asset management supports the responsible stewardship of infrastructure assets, the achievement of greater value from the assets and how sound asset management principles and technologies are applied to manage financial, operational and sustainability goals.

EGR 7016: Engineering Leadership

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2024
Essential components of engineering leadership including: communication, innovative thinking, strategic decision making, ethical leadership, and team building and collaboration.

EGR 7100: Materials Characterization

Credits 3
Principles of analytical methods for characterization of materials for structure & composition; crystallography, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, & atomic force microscopy. Hands-on laboratory experiments in scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, Atomic Force Microscopy. Restricted to Engineering/Science graduate students & seniors with 3.0 GPA or higher.

EGR 7110: Fundamentals-Sustainable Engr

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018
Introduction to the current state of science & public policy directions; development of a comprehensive framework for evaluating the challenges and opportunities resulting from Global Climate Change and Sustainability; application of technical/economic tools for solving high-potential opportunities.

EGR 7111: Life Cycle/Impact Assessment

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019
Methodology for assessing and modifying the impacts of product development, new project construction, operations upgrade and infrastructure improvement within a sustainable development framework consistent with US and global requirements.

EGR 7112: Econ/Social Equity Integrators

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018
Developing a careful balance among the environmental, economic and social equity issues of a proposed product, service or infrastructure project; focus on specific tools and case studies; creating a holistic solution.

CHE 7110 or EGR 7110 or CHE 7111 or EGR 7111

EGR 7113: Sustainable Materials & Design

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018
Comprehensive, systems-focused basis for selecting materials in new uses or as more sustainable alternatives; more eco-efficient alternatives, including technologies to reduce material intensity, renewably sourced materials, recyclable materials and material solutions inspired by nature (biomimetic). Non-engineering majors will require permission by the instructor.

EGR 7115: Sustainable Engineering System

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019
An overview of systems engineering theory and techniques in Sustainable Engineering with a central focus on sustainability related applications.
Prerequisite Courses

EGR 7117: Trans Tech for Sust Solutions

Credits 3
Transformative technology will be examined to contrast and compare potential new solutions to sustainability issues. Appropriate technology as well as learnings from nature will then be applied to develop improved solutions in a project-based learning environment.

EGR 7120: Intro to Sus Eng for Intl Dev

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018
Introduction to engineering in a developing community context; frameworks for applying engineering and technology to achieve sustainable development goals; geo-political, historical, institutional, economic, cultural, and ethical perspectives. NOTE: Intro course for the Sustainable Development track and should be the first course taken for this 4 course track program.

EGR 7121: Sus WASH & Enviro Egr for Dev

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2017
Applied fundamentals in water, sanitation and environmental health for global development. Includes engineering design tools for water and sanitation infrastructure and leadership tools for sustainable solutions to global WASH challenges. Note: course part of International Development Track in Sustainable Engineering. Must be enrolled in one of the following levels: Graduate Engineering, or have prior consent of instructor.

EGR 7122: Product Dev for Low Rsrc Set

Credits 3
Design thinking and empathetic design considerations; appropriate technologies; sustainable business model development; case studies of sustainable products developed for low resource settings. Note: course part of International Development Track in Sustainable Engineering Must be enrolled in one of the following levels: Graduate Engineering, or have prior consent of instructor. Prerequisites: EGR 7114 Intro to Sus Egr for Intl Dev or prior consent of instructor.

EGR 7123: ICT and Energy for Development

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019
Open source software and mobile tools and platforms for development; low cost renewable energy technologies for energy access; applications in health care, water and sanitation, education, agriculture, financial inclusion and monitoring and evaluation.

EGR 7200: Biomimicry

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019
Using observations from nature to provide sustainable solutions to our everyday needs. Key outcomes include whole system understanding of current solutions (benefits/issues), nature's capabilities, and new solutions by applying nature's capabilities to today's needs. Restricted to Engineering students or permission of instructor.

EGR 7515: Building Information Modeling

Credits 3
Generating and managing building data used for increasing productivity in building design, construction, and operation during complete life cycle of the structure.

EGR 7800: Solar Therm. Energy Conversion

Credits 3
Fundamentals of solar radiation, heat and fluid transport in active and passive solar collectors, solar ponds, solar cooling, and photovoltaic energy conversion. Analysis and design of active and passive solar systems. Needs undergrad material equivalent of ME 3100 and ME 3600.

EGR 7850: Electrochemical Power Sources

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2018
Principles of the design & application of electrochemical power sources, including batteries, super capacitors, fuel cells, & hydrogen electrolysis. Applications include automotive, industrial, medical, telecommunications, & utilities. Prereq=CHM 1151 or equivalent.

EGR 8001: Systems Engineering I

Credits 3
Introduction to the system science and the decision science with focus on theoretical foundations and mathematical modeling. Topics: system design models, system architecture, probability theory, linear programming, non-linear programming, Bayesian analysis, Modeling and Simulation, optimization techniques, risk analysis, sensitivity analysis, and regression analysis.

EGR 8111: ADV LCA & Intro to Prod Design

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018
This course is designed as an in-depth exploration of LCA issues and applications. Students will complete a baseline LCA semester team project then use sustainable product design techniques to reduce overall impacts of the product or material.
Prerequisite Courses

EGR 8112: Supply Chain Sustainability

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2018
Sustainability practices from upstream sourcing from suppliers to manufacturing through delivery to customers and disposal and how these impact a company's triple bottom line. Topics include product/process design, green procurement, network management, life cycle assessment, performance measurement, risk management, among others.
Prerequisite Courses

EGR 8113: Sust. Buildings & Operations

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019
Focuses on implementing sustainability and reducing impacts of buildings. Students will evaluate green building standards for New Construction and Existing Buildings and learn the principals of making buildings more sustainable. Restricted to College of Engineering students. Otherwise permission of instructor.

EGR 8301: Control Systems Engineering

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
Review of dynamic process modeling, linearization, transfer function and state-space models. Stability and dynamics of open-loop and closed-loop systems. Feedback control system design and analysis in the frequency and time domain. Topics include: Bode, Nyquist, and Root locus design; multivariable control; feedforward control. Prerequisite: Undergraduate background in systems and control.

EGR 8302: Digital Control

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Fall 2016, Fall 2014
Introduction to digital control analysis & design techniques applied to discrete-time & sampled continuous-time systems. Sampling, difference equations, the Z-transform & modified Z-transform, discrete transfer function & state-space models, discrete-time regulator & observer design, stability of discrete-time systems, discrete linear quadratic regulator & linear quadratic Gaussian formulation. Prerequisite: EGR 8301 or equivalent with permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite Courses

EGR 8304: Nonlinear Control

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2016, Spring 2009
Advanced treatment of nonlinear dynamical systems and control theory using modern techniques with applications. Topics include: Lyapunov stability theory, partial stability finite-time stability and control design, control Lyapunov functions, nonlinear optimal control, sliding mode control, and adaptive control.

EGR 8305: System Identification

Credits 3
Introduction to system identification techniques for linear systems. Topics include: non-parametric time- and frequency-domain methods, parametric model structures, noise models, parametrc estimation methods, recursive estimation, bias and data pre-filtering, validation methods.

EGR 8306: Nonlinear Dynamics

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2017
Introduction to nonlinear dynamic analysis using analytical, graphical & numerical techniques. Linear system theory, the nonlinear pendulum, stability concepts, bifurcation theory, self-excited oscillations, overview of asymptotic methods, Floquet theory, Poincare maps, & chaos.

EGR 8308: Feedforward Control

Credits 3
Introduction to feedforward control techniques with an emphasis on model-based methods. Design of feedforward inputs for linear systems, nonlinear systems, nonminimum phase systems, and systems with actuator redundancy; integration of feedforward and feedback; iterative control; dealing with plant uncertainty.

EGR 8309: Adv Topics in Dynam & Control

Credits 3
Advanced treatment of various aspects of nonlinear dynamics and control. Prerequisite: Depends on the topic covered each semester. Contact instructor for specific details.

EGR 8310: Optimization for Engineers

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2017
Linear programs, non-linear programs, and integer programs. Gradient and steepest descent methods and Newton's method for constrained and unconstrained problems. Interior point methods including cutting planes and branch bound methods. Combinatoric optimization. Heuristic methods. Engineering applications of optimization. Prerequisite: ME 7000 (concurrency allowed) or instructor's permission.

ME 7000 :Y

EGR 8311: Machine Learning for Engineers

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2023, Spring 2022, Fall 2019, Spring 2018
Introductions to machine learning. Overview of optimization. Least mean square algorithm and regression analysis. Artificial neural networks, radial basis function, kernel learning and support vector machines. Decision trees. Genetic algorithms. Swarm intelligence. Bayesian techiniques. Hidden Markov Models. Hopfield network and Neurodynamics. Prerequisite: ME 7000 (concurrency allowed) or Instructor's permisson.

ME 7000 :Y

EGR 8312: Spectral Methods in Diff Equat

Credits 3
Chebyshev spectral collocation based trustworthy numerical solutions of linear and nonlinear differential equations with time varying coefficients encountered in various engineerng disciplines, applications to parameter estimation and control. Pre-requisites: ME 7000 or Instructor's approval

EGR 9000: Doctoral Independent Study

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023
For students who are studying specific advanced interdisciplinary subject areas. Prior to the beginning of the term, the student must prepare a proposal describing the area to be studied. This proposal must be signed by the faculty supervisor and submitted to the Chairman of the Interdisciplinary Program Committee for approval.

EGR 9010: ESL for Graduate Egr Students

Credits 0
Cover topics directly related to TOEFL sub scores. Listening and speaking will range from syllable structure and stress patterns to the intonation and rhythm of American English. Other topics will be added according to the individual needs of the students.

EGR 9011: Science Research Writing

Credits 0
Non-credit writing course for non-native speakers of English. Topics include structure, organization, grammar and vocabulary. Lectures/textbook will provide information necessary for students to utilize in writing engineering papers. No grades assigned; attendance is necessary.

EGR 9015: Sustainable Infrastructure Sys

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2018
This course equips students with a mindset and evaluative tools to analyze and design a new generation of sustainable infrastructure, which is a complex, dynamic service system with multiple sectors, development stages, and impact potentials on the natural world.

EGR 9095: Sust Engr - Graduate Practicum

Last Offered
Spring 2022
Provides work experience for a graduate student who has been offered an opportunity to work in the field of Sustainable Engineering. Required for curricular practical training. Permisson of Graduate Advisor.

EGR 9100: Doctoral Research

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023
For accepted Ph.D. candidates conducting research as part of the Doctorate of Engineering degree requirements. The chair of the student's guidance committee is responsible for evaluating the performance of the student.

EGR 9150: Prof Development/CPT

Last Offered
Fall 2024, Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023
Provide industry experience for purpose of career exploration and academic application. Permission of Research Advisor required.

EGR 9200: Teaching Engr'ng in Higher Edu

Credits 1
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2020
This course, for Ph.D. students only, introduces contemporary theories of education at the collegiate level, and demonstrates many effective methods of engineering instruction. Students will develop teaching skills that will promote active learning in the college classroom.

EGR 9220: Teaching Engr'ng Practicum

Credits 1
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2020
This hands-on immersion style course provides an opportunity for students to practice the methods learned in EGR 9200 in a supervised environment. Students will work directly with a faculty mentor in their classroom environment observing and practicipating in effective engineering teaching methods. Students will also have a course classroom environment in which they will prepare for the academic job search process.
Prerequisite Courses

EGR 9240: PhD Prof Devel Seminar

Credits 1
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021
Required course for the PhD program in Engineering. Includes: communication; teamwork; interpersonal skills; time people, & project management; leadership vision & styles; strategic planning; employee empowerment; leadership in patents; entrepreneurially minded learning; safety and the environment; lifelong learning.

EGR 9260: PhD PD Industry Track Seminar

Credits 1
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
Required course for PhD student PD program Industry Track in Engineering. Includes: how innovation happens, is managed, and protected; how products and offerings are introduced and commercialized; the importance of safety, quality, and ethics; and the engineer's role in achieving business excellence and superior customer value. Restricted to PhD Student in Engineering