
ECE 7000: Renewable Energy Policy

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2024, Summer 2023, Summer 2022, Summer 2021
An introduction to renewable energy policy from inception to current state of the industry. Deals with the evolution of policy from monopolistic to competitive marketplace. Study will include the various factors affecting this process.

ECE 7231: Applied DSP

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Spring 2023, Fall 2021
The course introduces advanced topics in digital signal processing with an emphasis on applications. Topics include sampling, aliasing, data quantization, discrete time signals and systems, z-transform, discrete Fourier transform, Fast Fourier Transform, design of frequency selective digital filters, optimum filtering, all with real world applications to communications, radar, biomedical engineering and imaging fields.

ECE 3225 or ECE 3245

ECE 7251: Analysis of Biomedical Signals

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2022, Spring 2014, Spring 2013, Spring 2011
Application of signal processing methods to analysis of biomedical signals. Introduction to human physiological signals, including cardiovascular, neurological, hemodynamic and muscular. Consideration of signal processing functions, including biomedical signal acquisition, frequency selective and optimal filtering, modeling and spectrum estimation, stationary and nonstationary signal processing. Pre-requisites: ECE 3225/3245 or ECE 5251 or ECE 7231 or equivalent.

ECE 3225 or ECE 3245 or ECE 5251 or ECE 7231

ECE 7428: Computer Comm Networks

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2022, Summer 2021
Brief Review of ISO/OSI, TCP/IP reference models; TCP details: state machine, timers, optimizations, performance implications, congestion control, socket programming; queuing disciplines, QoS; IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth; Voice Over IP; Layer 7 switching: peer-peer and content distribution networks. Prerequisite: ECE 4470, or equivalent.

ECE 7500: Fund Solid State Electronics

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2019, Summer 2017, Summer 2016, Summer 2015
Solid state electronics concepts including semiconductor device physics, microelectronic fabrication, and SPICE modeling. Topics include quantum well structures, semiconductor physics, pn junctions, bipolar and field effect transistors, photolithography, oxidation, diffusion, and computer simulation of semiconductor devices.

ECE 7505: Elec Properties of Matrl

Credits 3
Includes electrical conduction; optical, magnetic & superconductivity. Also includes energy bands in crystals, electron wave functions, electrical conduction in crystalline & non-crystalline materials, optical transitions in semiconductors, classical & quantum theory of magnetism. Open to graduate students & qualified undergraduates.

ECE 7525: Elec Measure & Convers

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2024, Summer 2022, Summer 2020, Fall 2011
Practical methods for the conversion and measurement of physical quantities by the use of transducers and electronic circuits are discussed. The underlying technology of the typical electronic measurement system is studied. The role of analog interfaces, modifiers, A/D conversion, busses and digital interfaces in designing instrumentation is discussed.

ECE 7550: Linear Integrated Electronics

Credits 3
Integrated Circuit Model, application of integrated circuits to the design of amplifiers, active filters, oscillators, modulators, regulators and analog systems.

ECE 7580: Intro to Power Electronics

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2018
Idealized power switching diodes and transistors; DC-DC converters; AC-DC rectifiers; DC-AC inverters; Magnetic circuits and elements (including inductors and transformers); soft-switching of power devices. Practical design of switch-mode DC power supplies, DC and AC motor drives.

ECE 7590: Microelectromechanical Sys

Credits 3
Principles, applications, and engineering of micro- electromechanical systems. Various MEMS designs and fabrication technologies are studied that are currently employed in a wide range of devices for actuation, sensing, micro-fluid manipulations, and RF and optical applications. Projects using MEMS device layout and simulation tools. Laboratory exercises with simple MEMS actuating devices.

ECE 7710: Real-Time Dig Sig Proc

Credits 3
Real-time computation of digital signal processing, adaptive filtering, spectrum estimation; implementation on a real-time digital signal processing chip; chip architecture, assembly language, and arithmetic; consideration of real-time processing such as aliasing, data quantization, computational limitations, signal level limiting, scaling, and I/O handling.

ECE 7711: Hardware DSP

Credits 3
Hardware implementation of real-time DSP. Parallel processing and architecture size/speed tradeoffs; Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and the use of the VHDL design language; development tools and libraries; FPGA implementation of filters and filter banks multirate processors, digital communication system components, implementation of advanced signal processing functions

ECE 7750: Communication Electronics

Credits 3
Building blocks of radio communication systems; modulators, mixers, narrow & broadband small signal amplifiers, oscillators & power amplifiers. Interstage matching networks in detail, practical design techniques. Present day communication systems used as examples.

ECE 7800: Renewable Energy Systems

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021
The design of renewable energy systems. Topics include: Solar Thermal Energy, Photovoltaics, Bioenergy, Hydroelectricity, Tidal Power, Wind Power and Geothermal Energy.

ECE 7805: Electric Machinery

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2019
Principles of operation, performance calculations, and industrial considerations of transformers and induction, synchronous, and dc machines.

ECE 7810: Power System Modeling

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2018
Static behavior of the electric power system. The topics include balanced, three-phase systems, steady-state operation of transmission lines, transformer modeling, per-unit normalization, power flow analysis, symmetrical components, and balanced faulty analyses.

ECE 7830: Intro. to Electric Drives

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2021, Fall 2017, Fall 2015, Spring 2013
Introduction to space vectors, scalar speed and torque control of induction motors, space vector representation of ac motors, dynamic dq modeling of ac motors, introduction to vector control of ac drives. Pre-req. ECE 7805 or permission of instructor.

ECE 8001: Engineering Math I

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
Applied mathematics course tailored to the needs of EE graduate students. Topics: i) Complex variable theory, ii) Sturm-Liouville problem, eigen-function expansion and special functions, iii) Matrix theory, eigen value and diagonalization, iv) Fourier analysis, multi-dimensional Fourier series and transforms, and v) Partial differential equations. Various examples from engineering and physics will be incorporated as appropriate.

ECE 8007: Matrix Theory

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2020, Fall 2017, Fall 2016, Fall 2015
Linear transformations and linear optimization as applied to vector spaces. Topics include solution of linear algebraic equations, linear transforms and their matrices, system decomposition (diagonalization), nondiagonalization operators and Jordan form, inner products, orthogonal projection, and pseudoinverse.

ECE 8072: Stat Signal Processing

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2020
Discrete and continuous random variables, conditional and joint distributions, random vector and stochastic processes, correlation and spectra of stationary processes under linear transformations, smoothing and prediction in mean square estimation. Prerequisite: Background in statistics and probability.

ECE 8224: Reliability Theory & Practice

Credits 3
Concepts and techniques of reliability evaluation at both the component and systems levels. The material will be useful to engineers in any discipline who are involved in system design or system performance/safety evaluation. Topics: reliability function, hazard rates, MTTF; component reliability, reliability network modeling; decomposition, cut set/tie set, event space, and fault-free approaches to reliability evaluation; systems with repair, Markov process models, availability, frequency and duration concepts, MTBF; approximations to systems reliability; introduction to software reliability. Prerequisites: Background in probability theory or permission of instructor.

ECE 8234: Image Processing

Credits 3
Fundamentals of digital image processing covering both analytical and practical foundations of working with 2-D images. Topics: digital image acquisition and definitions, image transforms, enhancement, restoration, and segmentation; electronic imaging and color; image encoding, compression, and graphic file formats; morphological processing. Computer projects implement classroom techniques and modern software tools are discussed.

ECE 8247: Multimedia Systems

Credits 3
Issues, algorithms and standards for the representation storage, and transmission of multimedia signals, including: low bit rate coding (e.g. JPEG, JEPEG2000) for still images, and MPEG-1, 2, 4 and 7 for digital video compression; audio compression via MP3 and H.261 video conferencing standard; multimedia content protection through digital watermarking, authentication by data hiding, encryption, content-based search and retrieval, multimedia communications over DSL and other broadband networks. Commercial and consumer multimedia products and systems.

ECE 8320: Control Systems Engineering

Credits 3
Analysis and design of controllers for dynamic systems in both frequency domain and time domain. Topics extend over both classical and state space approaches; Bode, Nyquist, and Root locus designs; extensive usage of MATLAB and practical applications. Prerequisite: Undergraduate Background in System & Control

ECE 8340: Real-time Control & Robotics

Credits 3
Basics needed by engineers in the design of automation and motion control. Topics: actuators, sensors, robot fundamentals, path control, and the Forth language together with its application to real-time motion control. Laboratory work is part of the course and leads to a complete robot-based job project.

ECE 8342: Digital Control Systems

Credits 3
Digital controllers for discrete-time systems. Topics include: Z transform, recursive equations; observers and Kalman filtering, pole placement, regulators and trackers. Special emphasis on usage of MATLAB for practical design applications. Prerequisites Undergraduate background in systems and control.

ECE 8405: Computer Organ & Design

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020
Computer components, subsystems, and their interaction. Instruction sets, central processing units, microprogramming, intersystem communications, interrupts, DMA, memory hierarchy, and operating system demands on hardware. Prerequisite: Undergraduate background in digital systems (equivalent to ECE 2042).

ECE 8408: Mob Computing & Wireless Net

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2018
Topics include: concepts in nomadic computing and mobility; challenges in design and deployment of wireless and ad hoc networks; MAC issues, routing protocols and mobility management for ad hoc networks and networks of the future. Prerequisites: ECE 4470 or equivalent.

ECE 8410: Trusted Computing

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2020
Hardware security topics including embedded systems security hardware Trojans, security in implantable medical devices, security in RFID/NFC, protection from side channel attacks, tamper resistance and crypto processor design, trusted FPGA design/JTAG, hardware-based cryptanalysis.

ECE 8415: Cyber-Physical Systems

Credits 3
Introduction to modeling, designing, and analyzing cyber-physical systems (CPS), which tightly integrate computation, control, and communication. Topics: continuous and discrete dynamics, modeling of physical processes, state machines, sensors and actuators, models of computation, CPS architectures and software design, networked and distributed embedded systems, analysis and verification, security and privacy.

ECE 8420: High-Performance Computing

Credits 3
Introduction to software and hardware of modern high-performance computing platforms, including multi-core and many-core processors. Topics include: models of parallel computing and machine organizations, parallelization strategies and algorithms, task scheduling, parallel software design, GPU computing, interconnection networks, cache coherence, performance analysis, power-efficient design techiques.

ECE 8425: Microproc & Microcomp

Credits 3
Advanced study of hardware and software concepts necessary for the design of 32-bit micropressor-based systems. Topics: (for a widely-used 32-bit microprocessor) addressing modes, instruction set, input/output, and interrupts with examples taken from the areas of computer engineering, signal processing and communication. The course includes a student analysis/design project and laboratory work involving a 32-bit processor. Prerequisite: Undergraduate background in microprocessors (equivalent to ECE 3490).

ECE 8440: Hardware Sys Des & Modeling

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2019, Fall 2017
Hardware system design and modeling including synchronous design techniques, modeling of systems and subsystems at various levels of detail, and the use of hardware descriptive languages. Presentation of a schematic capture tool, VHDL modeling and simulation, and SPICE simulation.

ECE 8448: Embedded Systems Architecture

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021
A hands-on course on software and architecture aspects of embedded systems. Topics include: embedded processor architecture, software architecture and development, communicating with I/O devices, firmware and operating systems, buses and embedded networks, memory technology and design, and low power design.

ECE 8450: Design of Secure Comput System

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2023
This course examines common low-level software vulnerabilities that take advantage of current system architectures. Mitigation strategies at the software level and the system level will be discussed and analyzed

ECE 8455: Adv. Digital Des. Using FPGAs

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020
Introduces students to advanced digital design and implementation using FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays). Topics include VHDL & Verilog, FPGA architectures, programming technologies, design methodologies, simulation and synthesis, place and route, and timing analysis, which board and EDA tools are used to help students gain hands-on experience. Prerequisite: Digital/logic design and VHDL basics.

ECE 8460: VLSI Design

Credits 3
Design introduction to concepts of CMOS VlSI design. Design and layout concepts, properties of digitial circuits, scaling, and simulation. Emphasis is on deep submicron silicon system design and layout with circuit analysis. CAD tools are introduced and used throughout the course. A project is required. Prerequisite: ECE 7500 with permission of instructor.

ECE 8473: UNIX and C Programming

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2019
Programming using the UNIX operating system, shells, utilities, and C. Emphasis on standards including the ISO/IEC C standard and the POSIX/IEEE Open Group Single Unix Specification.

ECE 8474: Secure Systems Engineering

Credits 3
Multidisciplinary approach to security including economics, psychology and ethics, addressing security threats in engineering fields such as network security, wireless attacks on micro-controllers, electronic and cyber warfare, e-voting, and side-channel attacks. Study of current research literature and an extensive student project.

ECE 8476: Cryptography & Netwk. Security

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2022, Fall 2021
Theory and practice of computer communications security, including cryptography, authentication, and secure electronic mail. Topics include secret and public key cryptography; message digests; password-based, address- based, and cryptographic authentication; privacy and authentication in email; PEM, PGP, and S/MIME. Use of various algorithms.

ECE 8480: Intro. to Cloud Computing

Credits 3
Introduction of Cloud Computing by covering fault tolerance and load balancing at the network, web server, enterprise bean server and data base server. Concludes by introducing non-relational solutions including Lucene and Map/Reduce. Working knowledge of JAVA, SQL.

ECE 8481: Post-Quantum Cryptographic ENR

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023
Basic foundation of the post-quantum crypotographic engineering and recent advances in the field; introduces design and implementation techniques for the arithmetic unit and overall post-quantum cryptography on both hardware and software platforms, and side-channel attack skills.

ECE 8484: Cybersec. Threats and Defense

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021
Malware and cyber threats: computer network defense; software for Data Protection and Privacy, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC); trusted computer systems and secure applications; identy and access management including biometrics; next generation security concepts.

ECE 8485: Control Systems Security

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Summer 2019
Security risks of critical infrastructure systems such as electrical, pipelines, water, and transportation. Design and setup of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, Distributed Control Systems (DCS), and Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) systems. Security challenges and defense-in-depth methodology. Hands-on lab experiments.

ECE 8486: Ethical Hacking

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
Quantifying security in an unambiguous way using the Trusted System Evaluation Criteria. "Hacking" a system, developing and implementing countermeasures and threat removal, techniques for Access control, confidentiality, etc. Secure the network, web, enterprise and database, the Cloud and the Semantic Web.

ECE 8487: Advanced Machine Learning

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2023
Advanced Machine Learning covers three main areas: basic algorithmic foundations such as linear regression and neural networks, applications of machine learning in image classification and natural language processing, and hardware acceleration of machine learning using GPUs and customized silicon (e.g., TPU).

ECE 8488: Security Risk Assess. & Man.

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2023, Summer 2021, Summer 2019, Summer 2017
Fundamentals of vulnerability and risk assessment to mitigate and manage security risks. Analytical methodologies for information security risk assessment, test and evaluation. Practical experience with case studies and defense-in-depth concepts.

ECE 8489: Malware Analysis and Defense

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2018
Malicious software detection and defenses including tripwire, Bit9, and other techniques such as signature and hash algorithms. Viruses, worms and Trojan horses, logic bombs, malicious web server scripts and software. Anatomy of well-known viruses and worms. Mobile code issues. Methodologies used by the anti-virus/spyware vendors and freeware.

ECE 8490: Th. and Prac. of Comput. Appl.

Credits 3
Fundamentals of key topics in computing with an emphasis on applications. Operating systems, compilers, data structures, algorithms, and basics of systems/software engineering. Accelerated review of C programming. Applications of systems/software engineering focusing on object-oriented analysis and mobile application development.

ECE 8491: Blockchain Techno and Uses

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020
Provides a technical analysis of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and application areas. Learn the process of mining and signing blocks using Proof of Work and Proof of Stake. Analyze problems best suited for public and and permissioned blockchains for distributed applications.

ECE 8492: Secure Software Development

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021
Security requirements and design principles for secure software development. Security issues in current applications, database systems and web systems. Identifying vulnerabilities, their impact, and solutions to securing them.
Prerequisite Courses

ECE 8494: Legal Aspects of Comp Security

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2024, Summer 2022, Summer 2020, Summer 2018
Legal rights and liabilities associated with computer security, information privacy; Rights enforceable by private parties; Liabilities associated by private parties and governments; Legal aspects of records management; Un-authorized computer use; Computer Fraud and Abuse Act; Trade Secrets; Economic Espionage Act; Civil Law Claims; Privacy; Export Control; Constitutional Rights; USA-PATRIOT Act; HIPAA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley; Digital Rights Management.

ECE 8495: Cybersec Behavioral Analytics

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2021, Summer 2020, Summer 2019
Fundamentals of behavior analytics using statistical predictive models, system dynamics modeling and decision analysis to determine how cyber attackers choose their attack vectors, why victims fail to secure their systems and how network traffic reveals when attacks my be occurring. Provide a set of valuable tools to address underlying human behavior in the rapidly evolving cybersecurity field.

ECE 8496: Computer Forensics

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2018
Introduction to the application of forensic science principles and practices for collecting, preserving, examining, analyzing and presenting digital evidence. The capture/intercept of digital evidence, the analysis of audit trails, the recording of running processes, and the reporting of such information. Selected topics from the legal, engineering and information-technology domains. Lecture, tool explorations and hands-on experience along with written projects.

ECE 8476 and ECE 8484

ECE 8498: CyberPhysical System Security

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2018
Cyber-Physical Systems include home automation and protection, connected vehicles, connected medical devices, drones, smart buildings and cities, and industrial control systems. Secure engineering of cyber- physical systems leading to a safer and more secure connected environment that also respects personal privacy. Improvement of security after deployment. Strategies for risk mitigation and emerging standards such as the NIST Draft Framework.
Prerequisite Courses

ECE 8525: Sensors

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2023, Summer 2021, Summer 2015, Spring 2013
Recent developments in the field of smart sensor systems are reviewed. A systematic approach towards the design of smart sensor systems is presented. Smart sensor systems involving the measurement of physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, strain, acceleration, magnetic fields, etc. through the use of electrical, optical, and other transduction methods is discussed. The lectures include case studies.

ECE 8560: Mixed Signal IC Design

Credits 3
Mixed analog and digital CMOS integrated circuit design devices: MOS devices, design, layout and simulation of digital and analog circuits including elementary logic and sequential machines, amplifiers, operational amplifiers, and analog signal processing and data conversion circuits. Projects using integrated circuit layout and simulation tools.

ECE 8562: Introduction to Photonics

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Fall 2014
Introduction to photonic systems. Course begins with an overview of ray, wave, and gaussian beam optics. Examples of several optical components, relavent to photonic systems, are discussed utilizing methods developed for these three optical domains. Laser concepts and technologies are next reviewed with applications in Fourier optics. Specific examples include image processing, optical correlation, and holography. Also examined are several technologies covering electro-optical, optical switches, and holographic inter- connections with applications in optical computing systems. Prerequisites: Undergraduate Electromagnetic Theory, Differential Equations

ECE 8566: RFIC Design

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2016, Fall 2014
Fundamental principles for design of integrated circuits for use at radio frequency using CMOS technology. Topics: introduction to communications circuits and parameters, issues in RFIC design: noise, linearity, filters, review of technology; fabrication process, MOSFET transistors, design, simulation and use of passive elements in the MOS process, impedance matching, amplifier design; and low noise and general gain circuits, mixers, oscillators, power amplifiers.

ECE 8568: Optoelectronic Devices & Cir

Credits 3
Principles of operation, terminal chacteristics and circuit implementation of various optoelectronic devices. Devices: light emitting diodes, semiconductor lasers, infrared photodetectors, optoisolators, charge coupled devices, solar cells, and optoelectronic switching. SPICE modeling of devices and circuits containing these devices will be emphasized.

ECE 8580: Power Electronics

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2017
Application of semiconductor power devices (e.g., power FET's SCR's, TRIAC's) with emphasis on high-reliability applications. Device characteristics; linear and switch-mode power supplies; voltage regulators; power amplifiers; high-current switching applications.

ECE 7580 :C

ECE 8601: Engr Emag I (Intermediate)

Credits 3
Beginning graduate course in electromagnetics. Material covered is a prerequisite for advanced course in applied electromagnetism. Topics: Maxwell's equations, boundary conditions, wave propagation, reflection and transmission, waveguides and transmission lines and cavity resonators.

ECE 8602: Egr Electromagnetics II (Adv)

Credits 3
Continuation of Engineering Electromagnetics I. Topics: scattering theory, moment methods, geometircal theory of diffraction and Green's functions as applied to electromagnetic problems.

ECE 8670: Microwave Thry & Tech I

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2019, Fall 2017
Modern analysis and design techniques for use with microwave and millimeter-wave frequency range. Topics a review of Maxwell's equation; transmission lines and waveguides; planar guiding structures including stripline, microstrip, slotline and coplanar waveguides; scattering parameters and microwave network theory with applications to transmission line and waveguide junctions and obstacles; Impedance matching and tuning; examples of microwave passive devices including power dividers, couplers and hybrids. Prerequisite: Undergraduate Electromagentic Theory

ECE 3690 :D-

ECE 8671: Micro Thry and Tech II

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2018
Continuation of study of microwave passive devices and network theory covered in ECE 8670. Analysis and design of two and three terminal microwave solid-state devices and ciricuits such as mixers, frequency multipliers, oscillators, control circuits and amplifiers are covered. Included is the study of microwave filters, systems and ferromagnetic devices.

ECE 8670 :C

ECE 8675: Antenna Theory I

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2018
Fundamental principles of antenna theory and application to analysis and design of various antennas. Topics: antenna fundamentals including radiation from an ideal dipole, pattern, gain, polarization, antenna temperature, radar range equation and link budget calculations; analyses of wire and loop antennas; antenna arrays, analysis and synthesis; impedance concept and mutual coupling; broadband and frequency independent antennas; antenna radiation above ground, modes of propagation and multipath; numerical modeling of wire antennas using method of moments. System application of various antennas in radar, satellite and mobile communications. Prerequisite: Undergraduate Electromagnetic Theory

ECE 8676: Antenna Theory & Design II

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2013, Spring 2011
Continuation of Antenna Theory I. Topics: Method of Moments, Geometrical Theory of diffraction, aperture and horn antennas, microstrip and low profile antennas, reflector antennas, lens antennas, dielectric and leaky-wave antennas, application of high Tc superconductors to antenna systems. Review of mathematical and numerical techniques required for understanding advanced topics, modern trends in modeling and application of various antenna systems.

ECE 8675 :C

ECE 8700: Comm Systems Engineering

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2020
Basic topics in digital communications, including: modulation schemes, maximum likelihood symbol detection and sequence estimation, Viterbi algorithm, carrier and symbol synchronization, bandlimited channels, intersymbol interference modeling, channel equalization, MIMO systems, multiuser communications.

ECE 3720 and ECE 3770

ECE 8705: Detection and Estimation

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2018, Spring 2016, Spring 2014, Spring 2013
Fundamental problems in detection and estimation; statistical decision theory, techniques in hypothesis testing, and their performance analysis; parameter estimation for both deterministic and random parameters; exploring important applications of detection and estimation theory in radar, digital, and wireless communications.
Prerequisite Courses

ECE 8708: Wireless Communications

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2023, Spring 2022, Fall 2020, Spring 2019
Principles of cellular and wireless communication system, including frequency reuse, hand-off, interference and capacity; modulation techniques; propagation; channel modeling and equalization; diversity; multiple access techniques including FDMA, TDMA and CDMA; wireless standards (AMPS, IS-54, IS-95); digital cordless standards.

ECE 8710: Radar Systems

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2022, Spring 2021, Fall 2017, Fall 2015
Radar systems are introduced in a framework of electronic systems integration which represents a unification of engineering theory and practice. A comprehensive set of radar principles are presented which form a foundation for the radar range equator. Systems applications are presented which illustrate the potentials and limitations of radar.

ECE 8072 :C

ECE 8720: 5G Wireless Networks

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2020
This course covers several topics on fifth generation (5G) of wireless systems with a specific focus on the physical layer and air interface technologies. 5G systems are being developed by industry for deployment starting in 2020. In comparison to 4G systems, 5G systems are to support for 10 times higher the peak data rate, 10 times lower latency, and 10 times higher number of connected devices. We then look at the opportunities and challenges introduced by using mmWave frequency bands, massive MIMO, cloud-RAN, and full-duplex communications. Pre-requisites: Undergrad Signal Processing and Communication.

ECE 3225 and ECE 3770

ECE 8760: Optical Communications

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2023, Fall 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2015
Introduction to fiber and free space optical communication systems from a discrete and system perspective. Topics include : fiber optics waveguides, pulse dispersion and bandwidth computations, PIN and APD detectors. LED and LD optical sources, optical receiver designs, bit error rate estimation, and transmission link analysis. Also examined` are system requirements for space-based laser communication systems which include communication bandwidth as well as acquisition and pointing considerations. Prerequisites: Undergraduate electromagnetic theory, differential equiations.

ECE 8771: Info Theory and Coding Dig Com

Credits 3
Information theory, within the context of digital communications applications, as a means of bounding digital communication system performance. Topics in channel coding including block and convolutional channel coding, Trellis coded modulation, turbo coding and turbo trellis coded modulation.

ECE 8815: Smart Energy Systems

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2023, Fall 2019, Fall 2017, Spring 2011
The modern electric power infrastructure; manifestations of the smart-grid; two-way, smart revenue metering for system operating efficiencies, maximal utilization of renewable resources, improved power quality, and automated management of service disruptions; and evolving technologies offering security, reliability, and environmental sustainability of the electric infrastructure.
Prerequisite Courses

ECE 8820: Power System Dynamics

Credits 3
The focus of the course is the dynamic behavior of the electric power system. The topics include transient performance of ac machines, load-frequency and voltage control systems, economic operation, transient behavior of transmission lines, and transient stability. Prerequisites: ECE 7805 and ECE 7810 or approval from instructor.

ECE 8830: Advanced Electric Drives

Credits 3
Focus on the design and computer simulation of electric motors and variable speed drives. Topics to be covered include the design of synchronous, induction and permanent magnet motors; Park's transformation and D-Q modeling; CSI, VSI, 6-step, and PWM drive topologies. Modeling of various control strategies (including vector control) and stability of control loops will be covered. Design examples for high power (>1MW) applications will be provided.

ECE 9030: Independent Study

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023
An investigation of a current research topic under the direction of a faculty member. A written report is required. Needs Chairperson's Permission to register for course.

ECE 9031: Research I

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023
Supervised research in pursuit of thesis. Needs Chairperson's Permission to register for this course.

ECE 9032: Research II

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023
Continuation of ECE 9031.

ECE 9090: ECE Project

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023
Independent student investigation of electrical engineering or computer engineering problem under the supervision of a faculty advisor; a written comprehensive report embodying the results of the project is required. Prerequisite: Consent of Chairperson

ECE 9900: Special Topics in E E

Credits 3
Last Offered
Summer 2018, Spring 2018, Fall 2017, Summer 2017
Advanced elective study of topics of current interest and importance in electrical engineering.

ECE 9905: Sup Study Elec & Comp Egr

Credits 3
Last Offered
Fall 2024, Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023
Individually supervised study on special topics in electrical and computer engineering. Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson and faculty advisor.

ECE 9910: Spec Top Systems Egr I

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Summer 2018, Spring 2018
Topics: linear systems; control theory; stochastic control, rigid body of dynamics, vibrating systems, basic probability and statistics. Given at King of Prussia, PA.

ECE 9920: Spec Top Systems Egr II

Credits 3
Last Offered
Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Summer 2018, Spring 2018
Topics: fluid mechanics, boundary layer theory, electromagnetic theory, switching theory, remote sensing information theory, random processes and statistical decision theory. Given at King of Prussia, PA.

ECE 9940: ECE Graduate Practicum

Last Offered
Fall 2024, Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023
Provides work experience for a graduate student who has been offered an opportunity to work in the electrical or computer engineering field in industry. Required for curricular practical training.