
Attendance policies are determined by the instructors of the various courses. The instructor’s class attendance policy must appear in the syllabus and at a minimum must allow for the University’s excused absences listed below.   Enforcement of such attendance policies lies with those instructors. If the instructor thinks a student has too many absences (total of excused and unexcused), then the instructor should discuss the student’s attendance with the appropriate Assistant or Associate Dean of the instructor’s college in order to determine if the student should withdraw or receive an incomplete.

Where possible, students should inform their instructors if they plan to be late or absent from class.  In all cases, students should be prepared to provide documentation to petition for excused absences to the appropriate Assistant or Associate Dean of their college. Excused absences do not count toward a failure in the course for first year students.  Absence from class does not release the student from work assigned.  Students who miss an in-class obligation (exam, presentation, etc.) due to an excused absence will not be penalized - the instructor may offer a make-up test, arrange an alternative time for a presentation, exempt a student from the assignment, or provide another arrangement.   

The University’s list of excused absences for all students includes the following:

  • participation in special academic events (e.g., conferences, field trips, project competitions)
  • participation in official university business (e.g., student representatives attending meetings related to university governance)
  • attendance at significant events involving the immediate family (e.g., funerals, weddings)
  • religious holidays - see the University’s policy on Religious Holidays
  • legally required absence (jury duty, court appearance, short-term military service)
  • documented serious illness or disability (see below how to document)

If instructors want to verify that the absence qualifies as an excused absence under the university list or verify that the student is permitted to participate in the activity, they should contact the designated Assistant or Associate Dean of the student’s College.