Biomedical Engineering

Degree Type
Master of Science

New for Fall 2024, the Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering program at Villanova University aims to prepare the next generation of innovators who will contribute to advancements in health care, medical devices and biotechnology.

The program integrates Mechanical Engineering (ME), Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE), and Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) courses. Our interdisciplinary method will not only expand students' knowledge but also provide them with the abilities needed to address intricate engineering problems in the real world.

Admission Requirements

Admission Criteria for Applicants with a BS from an accredited US university:

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0
  • Two letters of recommendation

Admission Criteria for International Applicants with a BS degree from a non-US university:

  • Minimum GPA of 3.25 out of 4.0 or equivalent.
  • Minimum TOEFL score of 90 or IELTS score of 7.0
  • Two letters of recommendation

The applicant's undergraduate record and letters of recommendation must indicate the ability to undertake graduate studies.

Applicants should ideally hold an accredited bachelor's degree in biomedical, chemical, mechanical, electrical, or computer engineering or their equivalent.

Applicants with BS degrees in other engineering disciplines or in non-engineering disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics or computer science may also be considered on an individual basis. However, they may need to take additional undergraduate courses before admission. Specific courses will be determined in consultation with the Graduate Chair and must be completed before official acceptance.

Degree Requirements

The Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (MSBME) program requires:

  • A minimum of 30 earned semester credits (10 courses and one zero-credit seminar course) of graduate work. Course requirements are divided into four categories: a math requirement, two fundamental courses, area courses and breadth courses.
  • Students may elect to choose the thesis or non-thesis option. Before applying for the thesis option, students must complete ECE 9030 in preparation.
  • Full-time undergraduate students in the ECE, ME and CBE departments with a minimum GPA of 3.00 have the option of applying for admission into the five-year combined BS/MS program with a BS degree in their department and an MS degree in Biomedical Engineering.
  • Graduate students electing the non-thesis option may substitute three credits of independent study for an approved elective course.

Table 1 provides details on the course and credit distribution for the two options. Course requirements are broadly divided into four categories: a math requirement, two fundamentals' courses, area courses, and breadth courses. Course options in these areas are fleshed out in greater detail in table two.

Thesis Option

Non-thesis option with    independent study

Non-thesis option without independent study

3 area courses

3 area courses

3 area courses

1 math course

1 math course

1 math course

2 fundamentals courses

2 fundamentals courses

2 fundamentals courses

2 breadth courses

3 breadth courses

4 breadth courses

2 research courses (thesis)

1 research/independent study course

1 seminar course (no credit)

1 seminar course (no credit)

1 seminar course (no credit)


Total: 10 courses + seminar

Total: 10 courses + seminar

Total: 10 courses + seminar

Area courses: Based on the discipline/research area of interest.
Math course: Discipline-specific basic engineering math course.
Fundamentals courses: To cover fundamental topics and concepts in BME.
Breadth courses: To complement core area courses within and across concentrations and colleges.
Research courses: Independent study (IS) and/or Thesis research (for thesis option).
Seminar course (zero-credit): Inter-departmental seminars from VU faculty and graduate students, other guest speakers and experts covering current research topics in the BME field.

Course options in each required Course type, BME Concentration:

Area Course (3)

Cell & Tissue Engineering 

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Biomedical Signals, Sensors & Imaging 

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Math Course (1)

All Concentrations 

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Fundamentals Courses (2)

All Concentrations 

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Research Courses

(min: 0, max: 2)
0: Non-thesis w/o IS
1: Non-thesis w IS
2: Thesis option

All Concentrations & Depts 

Item #

Seminar Course (1)


All Concentrations & Depts

Item #

Explore MSBME concentrations:

The MSBME offers three concentration areas, as well as an option for a custom degree plan:

  • Biomechanics and Biomaterials
  • Cell and Tissue Engineering
  • Biomedical Signals, Sensors and Imaging

Nonlinear Dynamics and Control Certificate

The College of Engineering offers a certificate program in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, administered jointly by the Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering Departments. It includes a concentrated study of modern principles with both breadth and depth of coverage being emphasized. The research program at the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics & Control (CENDAC) serves to complement the course.

The certificate program is open to all individuals who possess a bachelor’s degree in either Engineering or some related field. Applications for admission are assessed on the basis of undergraduate record and related work experience.

Requirements for the Certificate

The Nonlinear Dynamics and Control Certificate is awarded upon satisfactory completion of four courses:


Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Electives (Choose three): 

Nonlinear Dynamics and Control Courses (Up to three courses may be chosen):

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Graduate Level Mathematics Course (One may be chosen):

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Graduate Level Control or Optimization Course (One may be chosen):

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Special Related Topics Course (One may be chosen): ChE, ECE, or ME Departments

Sustainable Engineering Certificate

This certificate will consist of 5 courses. A minimum of 2 courses must be selected from the core courses. The remaining 3 courses must be selected from one of the tracks for the MS in Sustainable Engineering degree. No transfer credit is allowed. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 must be obtained from the courses used towards the certificate. Courses used for the certificate may not be used towards the MS in Sustainable Engineering degree nor may they have been used to meet requirements for a BS or BA degree without the permission of the Program Director; however, they may be used for other MS or PhD degrees depending on those specific degree program requirements.

Doctoral Program Certificate Options

In addition to EGR 9240 (the required core course not under the Doctoral Program section on page 30), to earn the Academic Scholar certificate, two required supplements are needed.

  1. A min. B grade in EGR 9200 (Teaching in Higher Education; a 1 credit course)
  2. A min. B grade in EGR 9220 (Teaching in Higher Education Practicum)

In addition to EGR 9240 (the required core course), to earn the Industry Scholar certificate, one required and one optional supplement is needed.

Required: A min. B grade in EGR 9260 (PhD PD Industry Track Seminar; a 1 credit course)


  1. An industrial internship
  2. Coordinating and chairing a session at an industrial conference
  3. A min. B grade in a course from the following list:
Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Class Schedule

Notes: All scheduled course offerings are subject to change due to instructor availability and other factors.

Sample 2-Year Course Plans for different concentrations

Key: Check marks represent the semester the select/representative course can be taken. Dashes represent other semesters the same course is offered. Sample course plans incorporate the semesters the courses have been offered in prior years.

Cell & Tissue Engineering

  Year 1 (2024-25) Year 2 (2024-25)
Description Course Type Fall Spr Sum Fall Spr Sum
Med. Sci. for Eng EGR 7XXX Fundamental       -  
Found. Bio. Eng. EGR 7XXX Fundamental           
Adv. Eng. Analysis ME 7000 Math     -    
Gene & Cell Therapy CHE 8591 Area          
Protein Eng CHE 8592 Area          
Biomat. & Drug Deliv. CHE 8586 Area          
Adv. Fluid Mech. ME 8103 Breadth           
Biostat. & Exp Des BIO 7805 Breadth   -      
Research   Research        
Seminar (non-credit)   Seminar -   - -  

Biomechanics & Biomaterials

      Year 1 (2024-25) Year 2 (2024-25)
Description Course Type Fall Spr Sum Fall Spr Sum
Med. Sci. for Eng EGR 7XXX Fundamental       -  
Found. Biomed. Eng. EGR 7XXX Fundamental          
Adv. Eng. Analysis ME 7000 Math     -    
Biomec. Hard Tissue ME 7550 Area          
Adv. Fluid Mech.  ME 8103 Area          
Trans Phen in Bio Sys ME 7700 Area          
Analysis of Bio. Sig. ECE 7251 Breadth          
Control Sys. Eng. EGR 8301 Breadth  -        
Research   Research        
Seminar (non-credit)   Seminar -   - -  

Biomedical Signals, Sensors & Imaging 

      Year 1 (2024-25) Year 2 (2024-25)
Description Course Type Fall Spr Sum Fall Spr Sum
Med. Sci. for Eng EGR 7XXX Fundamental       -  
Found. Biomed. Eng. EGR 7XXX Fundamental          
Eng. Math ECE 8001 Math     -    
Analysis of Bio. Sig. ECE 7251 Area       -  
Wearable Sensing ECE 9000 Area     -    
Adv. Machine Learn. ECE 8487 Area          
Stat & Exp. Des PSY 8100 Breadth    -      
Control Sys. Eng. EGR 8301 Breadth -        
Research    Research         
Seminar (non-credit)   Seminar -   - -  
Total Credits